Monday, March 31, 2008

Fun stuff

Well I gave blood for the first time today. That was exciting. Also, while I was waiting in line I got called to see if I could work today. So here I am. Giving blood was neat, but painful. She had some trouble sticking my vein which was not a very pleasant feeling but other than that it was cake. My sister, however, did not take it so well. It took her a couple tries to get up and when she did she felt really sick and had to lay down for a bit.
Right now I am really thirsty. I am about to try and leave the lab and get a quick drink. Here goes!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Alrighty then....

O.K. so it looks like this blogging thing is going to be a great way to pass the time. Although, not a very productive way since there is no one to read this. Hmmmm.......well, maybe someone will some day. So I guess I could try and start by making it something worth reading. Hmmm (again)..... I'm drawing a blank here. I can't think of anything I have to say that anyone would find very interesting.
Hey, I thought of something! My family and I like to play music and we are all performing again in a couple weeks. Our last show was really good and this next one should be even better. I'm pretty excited. You are welcome to come watch us and a few others perform at a local talent show type thing "if that's what you're in to" (FOTC anyone?). We could use some more constructive critics. We could also use more musicians. I am personally seeking any local individual who can and would like to play music with others.
Well, that's about all I've got.

7 1/2 habits

Goals, goals, goals. I get no where without them. The rest of the habits are definately helpful but are different for every person. Some I need to work on a lot, others not so much. The important thing is to never stop learning and listening.