Sunday, July 7, 2013

The furr balls

This is how I affectionately refer to our pets. The fur balls. We have one digg and three cats. Each is very unique and tries our patience in a way that is totally their own.
We have:
Beau Bear the golden retriever who is extremely upset if dinnertime is not actively touching him. He also had no manners. We're working on that.
We have Bella, the small one who often disregards our rules and has no appreciation whatsoever for my wife's undying love and affection. She thinks the world revolves around her.

We have Brisa who is more than a little eccentric and aggressively affectionate when she wants to be.

And then there's Mumford. He is a happy-go-lucky adventurer with little concern (much less fear) for what occurs. Attempts to teach him manners and rules are useless. He is the most care free, fearless cat I have ever seen.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Quick CMS chat

I haven't been using Blogger for a while. I believe I have moved on to bigger and better things. These days I spend most of my time developing in Wordpress which is the most popular and, in my humble opinion, the best content management system on the web.

Admittedly though, I have no real issues with Blogger. In fact I think quite highly of it. My first experience with blogging began right here. My mom still manages a successful blog over here on Blogger.

I've also had experience with quite a few other CMS's over the past few years and am very interested in the topic. If you have any thoughts on this I'd love to hear them. Please share below.