Friday, July 6, 2012

Latest and Greatest

I thought it might be a nice time to share a few updates on how things have been going this summer. It has been a very eventful one, for sure.

But since it has been so incredibly packed full I am going to have to give the high-speed, detail free version. So here goes:
Beau Bear had an itch.

I got soaked at the Jackson Blues Fest.

We saw a deer in someone's yard.

We replaced the sliding back door.

Ash made a really delicious meal.

Jason graduated from kollij.

A cat attacked my foot.

We burned a wagon.

We worked on the house (a LOT).

Mother-in-law taught us all to dance.

I ate the best burgers of all time.

We adopted Dr. Puddingstone.

And I am exhausted.

That pretty much covers it. Good day to you all.