Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The Sistine Chapel is so cool. I love this awesome site which allows you to view all the art as if you were there. Amazing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A day, like any other

My head hurts. I have been working diligently today on a new website design for my father in law's business. Been using Photoshop and Dreamweaver heavily. It is very slow going. I want very much to get good at this. It is very satisfying and allows for so much creativity. I guess I just need practice.

My wife is going to some girl party tonight. My sisters & company are having some sort of gathering which consists of yummy snacks, girl shows, and excessive giggling. I, in turn, extended an invitation to a number of my masculine chums for an evening of "real" fun. Who knows what we'll end up doing? I may not eat nearly as well as most nights with just Ash, but I'll get to catch up with my homies a bit.
I made lots of logos for my FIL's business and this was the one he chose as his favorite. I am using it as a theme for the site. Here is the link to the website. Currently though, almost none of my work is visible. I still have to finish the new design and upload everything to the server. Lots of work ahead. Now it is a little lame with just one of those basic templates. Be sure to check back later though when I finish the real thing.
The other day our dumb cat got out. I came home from work and was about to grab my guitar and go visit a friend when I saw a note from Ash stating that she couldn't find Roxy before she left for work. So I tore the house apart and looked around frantically outside for the retarded feline with no success. After half an hour, I found myself standing on my front lawn very frustrated and annoyed. I was about to call Evan and say I couldn't make it today and then start knocking on neighbor's doors when I spotted one of our nearby neighbors outside. After I introduced myself to him I described my predicament and asked if he had seen our cat. He scratched his head and said "Well, no I guess I haven't seen a cat like that today.....although" he now pointed "there's an orange one right there." Dumbfounded, I turned and spotted Roxanne pawing at the door of our next door neighbor's home.

So, to end this pointless tale, we managed to retain our entire herd of cats for now. Yippee.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Here is a cute site which shows letters from young children protesting scientists decision to no longer include Pluto in the list of planets.

Dunning-Kruger effect

This Wikipedia article is very interesting. All about the Dunning-Kruger effect which has to do with people under or overestimating their level of competency.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Ash has been working on an interesting paper for her English class. She is writing an informative essay on MSG in our food. This has brought about some conversations between us about that and other food additives that bother us. Adding to the discussion was our recent viewing of "The Informant" with Matt Damon, which touches on interesting economic topics as well as the subject of food additives. We have been learning about things like MSG, high fructose corn syrup, red dye #40, etc. It is truly a fascinating and at the same time horrifying subject. It is sad now that I only have a couple blog readers but that is alright since they are the peeps I care about. I would just like to expand the discussion to others since it interests me. Any comments?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Cluck cluck!

Mom inspired me with her chicken picture posts. I love chickens. Here is a picture of a chicken that I touched up during Accounting class the other day.

I also like mom's blog. Way to go Mo! Caytie's is also delightful, albeit a bit.......goaty at times.